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Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Air Conditioning Split System

Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Air Conditioning Split System: Why Should You Get It?

A Mitsubishi Heavy Industries air conditioning split system is an essential investment for any business. Split system air conditioners are more efficient than central air conditioners because they do not lose energy through ductwork. They are also quieter and easier to install. If you are looking for a cooling system that is efficient, quiet and easy to install, a split system air conditioner is a good option.

However, which brand should you buy and why? This post will dive into split system air conditioning and why you should consider a Mitsubishi split air conditioning system for your business.

Anatomy of a Split System Air Conditioner

A split system air conditioner is a cooling system that does not require any ductwork. It comprises two main parts: an outdoor unit and an indoor unit. The outdoor unit contains the compressor, condenser and expansion valve. Meanwhile, the indoor unit includes the evaporator and air handler. The outdoor unit is connected to the indoor unit by copper tubing and electrical wiring.

How Is a Split System Air Conditioner Different From a Window Type?

A split system air conditioner consists of two parts: an evaporator placed indoors and a condenser placed outdoors. The main advantage of this type of unit is that it is more efficient than a window air conditioner. It is also much quieter and easier to install. However, a split system air conditioner can be pretty expensive.

On the other hand, a window air conditioner consists of one part that is placed indoors and another part that is placed outdoors. This type of unit is cheaper than a split system. However, a window air conditioner is less efficient and much louder.

So, which one should you choose? A split system air conditioner is the better choice if the price is not an issue. However, a window air conditioner might be a better option if you are on a budget.

Benefits of a Split System Air Conditioner to Business

Here are three ways your business will benefit from having a split system air conditioner:

Improved Air Quality

The first benefit of a split system air conditioner is the quality of air it provides. By circulating and filtering the air, split system air conditioners help remove dust, pollen and other environmental allergens. This can improve employee productivity and morale and reduce absences due to allergies or respiratory illnesses.

Reduced Energy Costs

Another significant benefit of split system air conditioners is that they can help save your business money on energy costs. By circulating the air more efficiently and evenly, split system air conditioners help reduce the time the unit has to run to maintain comfortable temperatures.

Increased Lifespan of Electronics

In addition to improving air quality and reducing energy costs, split system air conditioners can also help extend the lifespan of your electronic equipment. By circulating cooler air around your office or workspace, you can help prevent heat-related damage to computers, printers and other sensitive equipment.

Investing in a split system air conditioner like the Mitsubishi Heavy Industries air conditioning system is a wise decision for any business owner who wants to improve indoor air quality, reduce energy costs and extend the life of their electronics. 

Contact us at CNC AIR to learn more about how a split system air conditioner can benefit your business.

Reasons to Buy a Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Air Conditioning Split System

Regarding split system air conditioners, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries is a name that always comes up. They are one of the top brands for a reason.

  • The quality of a Mitsubishi Heavy Industries air conditioning split system is impeccable. Mitsubishi Heavy Industries uses only the best materials and the latest technology in their units. This ensures that their products are durable and will last for many years.
  • Mitsubishi Heavy Industries offers a wide range of models to choose from. No matter your needs, you are sure to find a unit that is perfect for you.
  • Mitsubishi Heavy Industries has an excellent reputation. As they have been in business for over 100 years, they have built a loyal customer base because of their commitment to quality and service.
  • Their prices are very competitive. When you compare their prices to other brands, you will see that you are getting excellent value.

So, if you are looking for a split system air conditioner, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries air conditioning split system should be at the top of your list.

Difference Between Mitsubishi and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries

Are Mitsubishi and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries the same? Technically, Mitsubishi and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries are Japanese companies with a long history. Mitsubishi was founded in 1870 as a shipping company. It later diversified into other areas, such as banking, insurance and trading. It also began producing automobiles and aircraft in the early 20th century.

On the other hand, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries was established in 1934 as a spin-off from Mitsubishi. It focuses on heavy industries, such as shipbuilding, machinery and aerospace. Although both companies share the same Mitsubishi name and logo, they are now independent. Mitsubishi is a conglomerate interested in a wide range of businesses, whilst Mitsubishi Heavy Industries is a major player in Japan’s industrial sector.

Where to Buy a Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Split System Air Conditioning in Australia

If you are looking for a split system air conditioner that keeps your office cool and comfortable all summer, a Mitsubishi split system air conditioning is a great option. Mitsubishi Heavy Industries is a trusted name when it comes to finding a quality split system air conditioner. 

But where should you buy your Mitsubishi Heavy Industries air conditioning?The best place to buy a Mitsubishi Heavy Industries air conditioning unit is from CNC AIR.

CNC AIR: Top-Quality Heating and Cooling Services

CNC AIR is an authorised dealer of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries products. You can be sure that you are getting a high-quality air conditioner when you purchase from us. 

With Mitsubishi Heavy Industries air conditioning from CNC AIR, you can be confident that you are getting a quality product at a great price. Call us at 1800 CNC AIR for more information.